Sunday, November 07, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

last evening
waves rolling over sand
faster and faster
her unexpected visit
afterwards - black coffee
and yesterday paper
through the mist
her waving
farther and farther
August afternoon
hay in the hayloft
warm, warmer, hot
drinking wine-
her left knee
closer and closer
early June
last encounter
first corn poppies
unfinished coffee
and a napkin note:
table for two
just a corn poppy
on the black varnish table
summer night
full moon reveals
a fluttering curtain
over a coffee
over a while

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

shadows of the dusk
returning from the seas
fishermen and dolphins
rising sun
dolphins borrow the color
of the fishing boats
fading moon
sea changing color
while meshes are spread
sunset deepens
screaks of sea-gulls
early morning
a sand castle disappears
into the trembling sea
disturbing soul-
the trembling of despair
from fingers to toes
disturbing sea-
the sound of waves
from shell to shell
toamna tarzie-
peste chaise-longue-ul uitat
un prosop uscat

late autumn-
on a forgotten chaise-longue
a dry towel
izbite de stanci
valuri grele de spuma:
digul – dantelat

bumped against the rocks
massive foamy waves:
lacery dam
tipat in noapte-
in urma valului greu
un crab maruntel

screak in the night-
behind the massive wave
a tiny crab
ploaie in noapte-
cochilii de scoici preiau
lumina din far

rain in the night-
shells spreading
light from the lighthouse
rasare luna-
navoadele intinse
tulbura apa

rising moon-
spread fishing nets
disturbing waters
privind cum ploua-
sub umbrelele de stuf
cativa pescarusi

watching the rain-
underneath rush umbrellas
a few sea-gulls
apus pe mare-
vantul aduce din larg
spuma de valuri

sunset on the sea-
sea form brought by the wind
from offshore
ploaie de vara-
umbrele colorate
se deschid pe dig

summer rain-
colorful umbrellas
opening on the dam
tarziu pe plaja-
palaria uitata
a unui copil

late on the beach-
the forgotten sun hat
of a baby-boy
plaja pustie-
luminile farului
joaca pe nisip

deserted beach
lights from lighthouse
playing on sand

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010